2 min readOct 26, 2021

Small businesses have been in the marketplace for ages. Did you know that there are approximately 400 million SMEs around the world?

But ever since the Covid-19 pandemic, our lifestyle, work, business, and almost every other thing has taken a step back. Likewise, many small businesses have scaled down. Keeping afloat in difficult economic times is challenging and SMEs play an important role in supporting their local communities.

Now’s our time to show our support for these small businesses, be it a clothing boutique, home bakery or even a florist. Every small business relies on the relationships they have with all of their customers, which fosters a thriving economy and community.

Many of us have settled into this ‘new normal’ but somehow things like supporting a small business may have faded away. Fortunately, it’s never too late with these few simple ways to help and support small businesses.

  • Go vocal for local businesses

Although it’s very easy to shop from global brands, it’s about time that we shop locally and invest our money in our community. Take a little time out during your next shopping spree and support a local business.

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